“y cinco cristianos que estaban en rancho en la costa llegaron a tal extremo, que se comieron los unos a los otros, hasta que quedó uno solo, que por ser solo no hubo quien lo comiese. Los nombres de ellos son éstos: Sierra, Diego López Coral, Palacios, Gonzalo Ruiz. De este caso se alteraron tanto los indios, y hobo entre ellos tan gran escándalo, que sin duda si al principio ellos lo vieran, los mataran, y todos nos viéramos en grande trabajo.”
In Relacion, by Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca (1490?-1557?), we read about a group of Spaniards who were so miserable and hungry that in order to survive they had to eat dogs and horses. Some of them practiced cannibalism, to the disapproval and shock of the Indians.
“and five Christians who were in the coast were in such dire situation that they ate each other, and only one remained alive, and since he was by himself no one could eat him. Their names are: Sierra, Diego López Coral, Palacios, Gonzalo Ruiz. When the Indians found out what they did they were so disturbed that if they had known since the very beginning, they would have killed them, and all of us would have been in big trouble.”

Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Póster de la película de Nicolás Echevarría, de 1991, basada libremente en Naufragios.
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