John Dillinger y Baby Face Nelson, y Bonnie y Clyde, ya famosos en su época, inspiraron sendas películas. También hay diversas versiones del robo al edificio Brinks, en 1950.No sé hasta qué punto El Padrino, Caracortada y los Sopranos sean estrictamente creaciones para la pantalla. Y no sé si algunos de estos angelitos haya inspirado a las Barbie Bandits a desvalijar un banco armadas de sonrisas. Pero actos como este sólo perpetuarán el encanto del rebelde.
The fascination for the rebel, the outlaw, the criminal, has been expressed in countless movies, publications and through music. It is maybe a universal myth that in the United States is finely expressed through Hollywood movies.
John Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson, and Bonnie and Clyde, already famous in their times, inspired later movies. There are also several versions of the Brinks building robbery in 1950.
I don’t know if the Godfather, Scarface and the Sopranos are completely fictional characters. And I don’t know either if any of these little angels has inspired the Barbie Bandits to rob a bank just armed with their smiles. But actions like this will perpetuate the outlaw’s charm.
Esta vez el crimen no paga. Un empleado estaba comprometido y hasta cuatro personas han sido arrestadas.
This time crime doesn’t pay. A bank employee was involved and up to four people have been arrested.
Bonnie & Clyde
Two Bullets by Bertold Brecht:
- What's breaking into a bank compared with founding a bank?
- It is easier to rob by setting up a bank than by holding up a bank clerk.
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